Letter: Dr. Wine’s case needs reviewed

Recently, I had the opportunity to read “The Strange Case of Dr. Wine” by Brice Brenneman, Mr. Brenneman’s book brings out details of the case that members of the public and probably the trial jury did not know. At times, during the reading of the book, the details set forth by the author made my blood boil, over the injustice visited on Dr. Wine.

It seems clear that those directly involved in the case may have been less than fair in the prosecution of Dr. Wine. It is hard for me to believe that in Auglaize County, a seemingly blatant miscarriage of justice was perpetrated on an outstanding member of the community.

This case begs to be reviewed at an appropriate level so that Dr. Wine and his family can regain the reputation that is decidedly deserved.

Everyone that reads this book will understand that truth and justice does not always prevail.

Mark Cisco,

Newe Bremen

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