No matter the drinker, certain wines are an acquired taste, and some tastes are just never acquired. When Mashed surveyed 637 respondents within the US about their least favorite brand of cheap wine, there was a clear loser. That loser was Charles Shaw, better known as Two Buck Chuck. Surprisingly, the beloved Trader Joe’s brand, which Business Insider notes “continues to be popular with thrifty wine shoppers” despite the fact that it is actually $3.99 now, is the brand about 40% of surveyees note they would never dare to drink.
The next least appealing cheap wine brand was Yellow Tail with about 17% of the vote, then Barefoot with 16%. The two brands people seemed to not mind much were Carlo Rossi, with 15% of the vote, and Sutter Home, with 12%. Now this can all be taken with a grain of salt as taste is fairly subjective, but there has to be a reason that people aren’t willing to drink a wine that is supposedly so beloved, especially at such a low price point. Sometimes you do in fact get what you pay for.
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