What properties of stevia make it ideal for herbal wellness tea?

Did you know stevia is a very sweet-tasting plant? So, does it make sense now why herbal wellness tea manufacturers make use of stevia as a replacement for regular refined sugar? But you see, this non-nutritive sweetener is not only used in herbal wellness tea for its sweet properties. Stevia also comes with a host of health benefits. In this post, we will be talking about some of the health benefits of stevia that makes it ideal for herbal wellness tea.

1.    Prevents osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition of the bone whereby it becomes too fragile and brittle due to tissue loss. Stevia contains minerals that can aid bone density development. Research also shows that stevia can help increase calcium metabolism. As such, consuming herbal wellness tea that contains stevia can help prevent and even treat osteoporosis.

2.   Improves skin

Another reason herbal wellness tea manufacturers make use of stevia is because of its skincare properties. Stevia is associated with fighting against skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema. Appling stevia directly on the skin can help prevent the spread of bacteria. Additionally, in some cases, topical application of stevia can act as a steroid. As such, doctors recommend people with skin conditions drink tea with stevia regularly.

3.   Maintain oral health

Because stevia is a safe alternative to sugar, it helps protect oral health. Unlike sugar that promotes the growth of bacteria, stevia reduces the formation of bacterial formation in the mouth. This is because stevia does not contain fermentable carbohydrates. As such, bacteria can’t metabolize it, which makes it a healthy alternative to sugar in tea. For this reason, issues such as mouth odor and cavity are reduced significantly thanks to the components in stevia tea. Additionally, research shows that stevia is non-acidogenic in nature which is why it supports dental health.

4.   Lower cholesterol levels

Another property of stevia that makes it stand out is its ability to help lower cholesterol levels. Research suggests that the consumption of stevia tea can reduce bad triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels and in return increase the HDL cholesterol levels. For this reason, stevia is great for the heart and keeps it healthy.

5.   Anticancer potential

Research shows that stevia is a rich source of antioxidant compounds. As such, stevia is the perfect dietary supplement for the prevention of cancer. Extracts from stevia leaf contain a high degree of antioxidants which inhibits hydroperoxides formation. Stevia exhibits a much greater potency compared to green tea extracts and L-alpha-tocopherol. Other glycoside compounds in stevia such as kaempferol, quercetin can also help to eliminate free radicals in the body, thereby preventing the mutilation of healthy cells into malignant cells. Anti-oxidant in stevia can also help prevent cognitive malfunction, premature aging, and other conditions related to the heart.

6.   Regulate blood pressure

Doctors often recommend that patients with blood pressure problems consume more stevia. This is because stevia extract contains particular glycosides which help to dilate the blood vessels. Stevia also aids in increasing the excretion of sodium from the body, hence the reason it can help regulate blood pressure. So, whether a patient is suffering from diastolic and systolic blood pressure levels, regular consumption of stevioside can help significantly reduce it.

7.   Aid weight loss

If you are interested in losing some weight, then you should replace sugar with stevia in your tea. The reason is that stevia contains so few calories compared to other sweeteners, yet it is sweeter, although it depends on the species variety it is extracted from. In summary, you can eat as much sweetened food made with stevia as you want without worrying about gaining many calories because it does not contain as many calories as regular sugar. Stevia can also help regular children’s diet from excessive consumption of sugar.

8.  Diabetes control

Patients with diabetes can consume stevia as a natural sweetener in their tea without suffering a spike in their blood sugar. This is because stevia does not contain non-carbohydrate glycoside compounds known as stevioside. Stevioside is sweet, but it’s glucose compound when it breaks down is not absorbed into the bloodstream which affects the blood sugar level but it is absorbed by bacteria in the colon. For this reason, many health professionals recommend stevia for its health benefits concerning its ability to regulate blood sugar.


In conclusion, stevia is a healthy sweetener you can use in place of sugar. Its application goes beyond herbal wellness tea, it can also be used in beverages, packed foods, dairy products, baked products, and so on. Remember what we consume affects our health more than we realize.

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